Our advanced address capture tools work with high quality datasets and are accredited by Australia Post’s AMAS Program. These datasets include the Postal Address File (PAF), G-NAF and NZ Post’s GeoPAF.
It makes the input of accurate addresses easy.
Key Features of Address Capture
- Easily Integrated
Through our pre-built integrations or APIs, you can integrate Address Capture software into your website forms or CRM system. - Highly Extendable
Allows the user to match against multiple Master Address Files. - Up-To-Date
Australia Post accredited solutions with regular PAF updates. - International
Can be used to access Master Address Files (MAFs) such as Eircode, UK Royal Mail’s Postcode Address File (PAF), the PSMA’s Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) and NZ Post’s GeoPAF. Other MAFs can be produced on request. - Works On Many Platforms
Includes a Developer’s Kit. Can be web based or works on Windows, Linux, Unix, AS400 and Mainframe.

Advanced data capture tool which can be tailored to suit a MAF whether that is Australian or International. The Australian one is based upon delivery points held in the Australia Post's Postal Address File (PAF). The user can capture a complete and accurate address from a postcode and premise number or partial address. Finds full and sub-premise information from a partial address. Powerful gazetteer system means you can tailor your search criteria. You can add extra data fields in addition to name, address and postcode. Uses the latest and most powerful cross-matching and pick list technology. Address format can be defined by you to comply with existing systems and databases.

Optimise your address management with AddressServer to achieve considerable cost savings for your organisation and enjoy significant time and resource savings. Best suited to large organisations using a variety of applications on a wide range of systems and platforms, AddressServer enables the centralisation of address lookups to a single location. When deployed within a large user environment, AddressServer replaces the standard distributed deployment of addressing software with minimal impact on existing customer systems and the need for multiple PAF licences can be greatly reduced.
The following datasets are also available.

The Australia Post's Postal Address File, updated on a monthly basis, provides accurate deliverable information. Expandable to include additional information such as whether a property is residential, currently deliverable and accepts advertising mail.

The Australian Geocoded National Address File as provided through the Australian Government Data services and created by the PSMA. This provides a comprehensive dataset of physical and geocoded addresses Australia wide.

NZ Post's Postal Address File with additional information such as Geocodes and MeshBlocks. Updated quarterly.
Case Study

Consolidation cuts costs in the UK
When scoping out a project for a FTSE 100 company, Hopewiser identified multiple instances of Royal Mail PAF data (each one incurring a royalty fee) and a high number of disparate address capture systems & servers across their business. Hopewiser were able to quickly and simply consolidate this into a single licence and corporate solution that saved significant budget and resources. The new system provides nine highly accurate address lookups per second for 10,000 users.